W3 Blog


Sketchnoting reminds me of the mind map that I use to organize my notes. It really helps to categorize knowledge into different section and visualize it. I used to draw it on a paper, but nowadays we have an app like XMind so that we can work the mind map in a digital form.

How To Make A Mind Map | MindMapping.com
copyright: https://www.mindmapping.com/

I think Mayer’s Pre-Training Principle can be applied here. For example, in the middle of the mind map above, we have 6 sections, and then each section will extend into a deeper branch.

In memory of the lecture notes, I think it is important to visualize the notes so that they can be easier to remember.

XMind Now Opens on the Web!
copyright: https://www.xmind.net/newsletter/jan-2021-xmind-for-web-release/

One response to “W3 Blog”

  1. Hi Steven,

    As a individual with a visual memory myself I resonate with your note on how lecture notes become easier to remember through the use of graphics! Although I’m not sure “left-brain right-brain” science has any merit, it sure does sound like a left-sided brain, (the “artistic” side), trend to me!

    In your own lecture notes do you use these online programs? Personally I find hand-sketched notes to work in a more efficient manner.


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